Displaced Yankee Chick in Texas

This blog chronicles my life as a displaced Yankee chick in Texas. I'm from the NY/NJ/PA area and quit my job 1.5 years ago to move to TX with DH and become a SAHM to our 3 kids (2 DDs and 1 DS). **Please note that names have been changed to protect the innocent.**

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Ugh, that went well...not

Took the family to the local mall so we could have family pix taken at Picture People. First DH made a wrong turn, heading to the outlet mall instead of the real mall. I had only been saying "the mall is at the intersection of Westheimer and 6" since we got in the car. The he was annoyed because we were going to arrive at the mall at our appointment time and not earlier. So we checked in at the touch screen they now have since the franchise went completely digital. And we waited and waited and waited. Damn near forever. I took the time to change the kids into their finest Christmas attire (TCP dresses for the girls, Santa suit for the boy).

Finally we were called back to our studio. We got a few decent pix before the boy decided that it was time for a drink and a nap. The worst part was that all the kids had eaten like pigs this morning, and I scheduled the appointment for NOON so that it was before lunch and naptimes. Ugh.

B had already been acting up before we even got to take the pix, so once the other two started losing their minds, DH suggested we cut our losses. After lunch we picked up our pix and headed straight home. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, do not see Santa. it was naptime an dthey were not getting out of it.


At 12/12/2005 8:45 AM, Blogger geenalyn said...



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