Displaced Yankee Chick in Texas

This blog chronicles my life as a displaced Yankee chick in Texas. I'm from the NY/NJ/PA area and quit my job 1.5 years ago to move to TX with DH and become a SAHM to our 3 kids (2 DDs and 1 DS). **Please note that names have been changed to protect the innocent.**

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Plans are finalized

DH spoke to his sister earlier this week, and as he thought, the baby's christening is scheduled for the Saturday when we will be away. Had it been on Sunday, we would have tried to be there. He also found out that the OB will not let SIL go past May 30th. She went 2 weeks overdue with her first, and she started contracting the morning of her scheduled induction. Her DS was over 9lbs and had a HUGE head. The doctors are expecting this boy to also be over 9lbs and with a HUGE head as well. SIL was originally due June 1, and had been told that she would not be allowed past that date. Now if he doesn't come by May 30th, then they'll induce that day.

DH and I spoke by phone while he was driving across the state. I was consulting a calendar and we talked about our plans for the summer and the drive up to NJ. Looks like we've narrowed down the dates for our departure from TX, and an approximate return date as well.

We're going to try to work in some time up at DH's grandmother's house in RI. We spent a quick weekend there last Labor Day. DH finds that house so relaxing that I know he'll want to spend more than a weekend. I know he also wants to be able to see his sister and have some time with the baby. He'll see if she'll still be on maternity leave when we plan to go to RI. Perhaps her family will go up there at the same time we do. Otherwise perhaps we'll stop at their house for a visit on the way up.

As happy as I am that we are going to spend the long weekend with my family as originally planned, I am disappointed that we will miss the christening. I know how much I was looking forward to it; I kept asking SIL when it would be so we could schedule our plans around it. I'm sure DH was looking forward to seeing his family; I imagine a bunch of his family will be going to the christening.


At 5/11/2006 2:11 PM, Blogger Kimmykay said...

I'm glad you have a schedule now. I know how hard it is to be everywhere with all the families. Time to relax and enjoy now, huh?


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