Displaced Yankee Chick in Texas

This blog chronicles my life as a displaced Yankee chick in Texas. I'm from the NY/NJ/PA area and quit my job 1.5 years ago to move to TX with DH and become a SAHM to our 3 kids (2 DDs and 1 DS). **Please note that names have been changed to protect the innocent.**

Monday, January 16, 2006

Fun with four

Four Jobs You've Had

  1. One of my favorite jobs was as a "coder" in a market research company. We received completed surveys from owners of Volvos in the US and Quebec, and cirlced the answers with red pencil. Not terribly taxing. I was the only girl working with three really cool guys and one geek; we had a radio and listened to music all day long and since we were in a room all by ourselves, we talked All. Day. Long. Fabulous!
  2. I worked creating and maintaining databases and webpages for a large pharmaceutical company.
  3. I was to become a telemarketer for the summer before I started college, but instead I spent a few weeks practicing and then participating in the closing ceremonies for the Statue of Liberty Centennial Celebration. I had to be retrained on how to talk on the phone; I never went for the retraining.
  4. I worked retail, first in the Deb shop, and later in a now-defunct department store.

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

  1. Dazed and Confused (mmmmmMatthew)
  2. Sixteen Candles
  3. EdTV (again, mmMatthew)
  4. Animal House

Four Places You've Lived

  1. Japan
  2. New York City
  3. Delaware
  4. Texas
Four TV Shows You Love To Watch
  1. Grey's Anatomy
  2. Clean Sweep
  3. ER
  4. Jeopardy!

Four of Your Favorite Books

  1. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
  2. The Harry Potter series
  3. Junie B. Jones series
  4. Judy Blume books

Four Places You've Been On Vacation

  1. Key West
  2. Austin
  3. Cancun
  4. Paris

Four Websites You Visit Daily

  1. Google
  2. Excite
  3. My Mom Board
  4. blogs

Four of Your Favorite Foods

  1. almost all Italian
  2. pizza
  3. Italian pastries (cannoli, napoleons)
  4. lobster

Four Places You Would Rather Be Right Now

  1. in bed
  2. NJ
  3. Paris
  4. Munich

Four Bloggers You Are Tagging
I don't think I know four bloggers who haven't been tagged, so I'll tag...

  1. Geena
  2. Stacy


At 1/17/2006 8:37 AM, Blogger mamatulip said...

Okay. Clean Sweep is a cool show and I watch it from time to time, but the carpenter guy drives me insane. You know, the "Ty Pennington" guy? OMG. He comes off as trying so hard to be cool! I can't watch the show anymore because of him. LOL.

At 1/17/2006 10:22 PM, Blogger jeanne_bean said...

True, but at least he doesn't screw up as much as Andrew Dan Jumbo does on While You Were Out... Didn't he ever learn the "measure twice, cut once" maxim?


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