About two weeks ago B came home from school and announced that she had a "wiggly" tooth. Sure enough, she showed me a loose tooth.
She gave me trouble during dinner last night because she said her tooth hurt and she couldn't eat dinner. However, she did not want me pulling the tooth out for her. It was decidedly looser than when she first showed it to me.
I called and spoke to my friend Beth at
La Vie en Rose and was able to order B a Tooth Fairy Basket, which should arrive on Friday.
Of course, when I picked B up from school to take her to her Daisy meeting today, she had lost her tooth. DH went out of town today, so I asked B if she would be okay with the Tooth Fairy not taking her tooth until then so Daddy could see it. She thought that was fine. So the Tooth Fairy will hopefully bring B a little something tonight, and then take the tooth Friday night after DH gets a chance to see it.
When did my oldest become such a big girl?? It seems just yesterday I gave birth to her.