Displaced Yankee Chick in Texas

This blog chronicles my life as a displaced Yankee chick in Texas. I'm from the NY/NJ/PA area and quit my job 1.5 years ago to move to TX with DH and become a SAHM to our 3 kids (2 DDs and 1 DS). **Please note that names have been changed to protect the innocent.**

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Little Darlings

I had put the younger two in their rooms for naps, but they didn't want to nap or rest; they wanted to play. I figured that would be OK if they played in their own rooms. However, A went into his sister's room and started playing. Probably ten minutes later I decided to end the party and get them back to their beds.

What did I discover when I got to her room? She ran out of her vanity area and jumped on her bed. He was sitting on the vanity, with the cold water on full blast with the drain closed. The worst part about this house is that only the powder room sink has overflow drains in the sink. Water was pouring over the side of the vanity and onto the floor, through the door to her closet and the door to the toilet and tub room, and finally to B's vanity room and closet.

I may be on antidepressants that are rumored to provide a "don't give a sh*t" attitude, but, oh boy, did I care. I'm certain that people within a five mile radius of our house could hear me yelling and screaming at the kids that they don't play with water without Mommy or Daddy there. I used all the towels in the girl's linen closet plus half a dozen beach towels to dry up the spill.

He's currently asleep in his highchair and she's strapped in her booster and there they will sit until I decide that their time out has ended. Me? I'm tucked away in my bedroom at 2:30pm wondering if it is too early for a drink.


At 2/01/2007 11:41 PM, Blogger jeanne_bean said...

You'll be surprised to know that I didn't have anything to drink. However, I did dive into the small gift box of Guylian chocolates, finished them off, and then dug the chocolate covered donuts out of the fridge and shoved some of them in my mouth. So much for my diet today... LOL!

But, damn, that chocolate was GOOD!! *wink*

At 2/04/2007 6:26 PM, Blogger Kimmykay said...

Have you seen the chocolate TRUFFLE Hershey kisses? Bought a bag... I've hidden the bag and am NOT sharing! LOL.

At 2/04/2007 9:31 PM, Blogger jeanne_bean said...

*DROOL* No, I haven't. I must be getting AF -- last night I sat and vegged in front of the TV snacking on M&Ms. Lots of M&Ms. *sigh* {{{my diet}}} LOL!


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