Displaced Yankee Chick in Texas

This blog chronicles my life as a displaced Yankee chick in Texas. I'm from the NY/NJ/PA area and quit my job 1.5 years ago to move to TX with DH and become a SAHM to our 3 kids (2 DDs and 1 DS). **Please note that names have been changed to protect the innocent.**

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Curled up in a corner crying

Last night was B's investiture ceremony for her Daisy troop. At her last meeting, she learned a song and some choreography to perform during the ceremony. Although I'm pretty shy around new people, I always enjoyed performing in front of an audience. Likewise, DH is one hell of a performer, being a music major, and has no problem standing in front of a crowd and teaching or performing. So where did Miss B get her stage fright? As the ceremony was about to begin, I realized that B was not in her spot nor was she anywhere in the room. I searched the church annex for her and found her curled up in a corner crying and sucking her thumb. She does NOT suck her thumb! She was quite nervous, but Miss Rosie, her leader, was able to convince B to stay in the front of the room, but stand behind her.

Once B was comfortable with that idea, the ceremony began, and it went wonderfully. Miss Chris, the other co-leader, and I began the ceremony by introducing the idea of Daisies exploring the world of Girl Scouts, and who Juliette Gordon Low was. Then Miss Rosie said her part, about the Girl Scout law, and each girl affixed their colored petal to the Daisy center Miss Rosie was holding. Then each girl recited the part of the Girl Scout Law for which their color represented. (There are 10 parts and ten colored petals; green stands for I promise to use resources wisely.) Following that, they recited the Girl Scout Promise, and then they performed their little song and dance. They were all so proud of themselves and they should be for the great jobs they did. B managed to recite her part of the law, but didn't want to perform the song and dance.

Just watch, I bet the kid goes into theater! LOL!


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