Displaced Yankee Chick in Texas

This blog chronicles my life as a displaced Yankee chick in Texas. I'm from the NY/NJ/PA area and quit my job 1.5 years ago to move to TX with DH and become a SAHM to our 3 kids (2 DDs and 1 DS). **Please note that names have been changed to protect the innocent.**

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The next visit with the parents

The week following my parents' hit and run visit was an awkward one for us as a family. I had to relearn how to talk to them because the cancer had quickly built a wall between all of us.

We invited my parents to come over so we could head to the local base for an airshow the weekend following the cancer announcement. We took B, who was nearly 15 months old at the time, knowing that she'd enjoy seeing the airplanes. Traffic was crazy, so we wound up missing most of the show. Ultimately, we parked on the highway outside the base and watched the show from there. It was great because when the Blue Angels flew, they flew right over us.

That was Sunday, September 9, 2001. Who knew that the world as we knew it would change in 48 hours...


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